First Chopping Block Logo (Sept 1996)
This was the logo we cobbled together 25 years ago. It came days after we decided our name would be The Chopping Block. That name came about in a funny way.
It is early fall 1996. We were discussing a friend’s recording studio which he had named “Giant Jet Lab”. But the thing was that it was in the meat-packing district. You literally entered through a creaking steel door and walked to the studio on animal fat drenched cardboard. I said without thinking, “the name is terrible. You need to embrace the crazy environment and name it for what it is. You should call the studio “The Cutting Room” or “The Chopping Block”. Mike Essl, who had been the only other partner at this point in our history, stopped in his tracks and said, “that is it… our name”. I immediately agreed and said to the friend, “okay, you can’t have that one”.
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